Wolfdog Zuya Wichasa

About Zuya Wichasa

Name Meaning: “A Warrior”   |   Name Origin: Lakota   |   Nickname: ZUZU   |   Height at Shoulder: 29″   |   Weight: 85 lbs   |   Content: Mid

Zuya, along with his brother Maitreya, arrived here at Blue Mountain Wolves in January of 2023. They were 7 months old.

Zuya is a very sweet boy that just wants everyone to get along. He’s non-confrontational with other animals and loves getting attention from people. He has a calm and gentle disposition and loves going on walks through the woods here at the sanctuary. On days that they feel like interacting with new people, Zuya and Maitreya have been wonderful with showing sanctuary visitors the joy wolfdogs have to offer.

Meet The Rest of The Pack

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